The extreme ruggedness, reliability, and match-grade accuracy of Heckler & Koch's .45 Caliber Mark23 ACP has made it the handgun of choice for all U.S. Special Forces.

The specially designed sound and flash suppressor on this HK MK23 virtually eliminates muzzle flash and provides more than 35dB of sound reduction. An essential part of any RAINBOW mission requiring both firepower and discretion.

The Beretta Model 92FS is RAINBOW's 9mm pistol of choice. Its primary advantage is low recoil and a large magazine compared to the bulkier .45.

The specially designed sound and flash suppressor on this Beretta Model 92FS minimizes weight and length to maintain accuracy while boasting an impressive 32dB of sound reduction. It is the favorite pistol of for RAINBOW's recon specialists.

Heckler & Koch's .40 caliber USP is a favorite among those desiring a balance between size and firepower.

This Knight Armament Corp. silencer provides excellent sound suppression to the HK .40 USP.
Whether used for door breaching or highly lethal close quarters combat, a good tactical shotgun is an essential part of all anti-terrorist teams. RAINBOW uses the Benelli M1 Tactical 12-Gauge, largely because its superb recoil characteristics enable a skilled operator to fire five rounds accurately in less than one second.
Sub-Machine Guns
The preferred submachine gun of counter-terrorist operatives around the world, Heckler & Koch's MP5 is known for its reliability and accuracy, even when firing on full automatic. RAINBOW uses the 9mm MP5A2 fitted with single, triple, and full-auto trigger group.

Heckler & Koch's 9mm MP5K-PDW is a compact version of the classic MP5. Its folding stock and light weight make it an ideal choice when a full rifle or submachine gun is unmanageable and a handgun is a poor compromise. It is equipped with the single and full auto trigger group.

Terrorists throughout the world fear Heckler & Koch's MP5SD. Its integral silencer is so effective that the report of the bullet is miniscule compared to the click of the bolt operating. RAINBOW uses the 9mm MP5SD5 whenever both accuracy and stealth are essential.

When extra range or firepower is needed, RAINBOW turns to Colt's M16A2. Tried and true, it's 5.56 caliber easily pierces Level II body armor and has the longest range of any of RAINBOW's standard weapons. It comes standard with a low-power holo-sight and single, three round, and full-auto trigger group.

A compact version of the M-16, the CAR-15 is commonly used when the firepower of an assault rifle is needed, but the weight and size is not. It is commonly used by US and Israeli special forces. It comes standard with a single, three round, and full auto trigger group.
Capable of stunning observers with a combination bright flash and loud report, flashbangs are commonly tossed into rooms to 'prepare' rooms prior to entry. The valauble seconds gained while potential hostiles recover from the stun effects can mean the difference between life and death to a tactical team. Also known as distraction devices or stun grenades.

The M61 fragmentation grenade is the standard issue offensive grenade used by infantry throughout the world. While its blast radius is small, an overhand throw is still necessary to safely clear the blast radius in the open.

Breaching charges are used to explosively remove doors for rapid entry. Flashbangs do not need to be used in conjunction with a breaching charge as they stun, wound, or even kill anyone nearby.

The Heartbeat Sensor is capable of tracking a human heartbeat even through thick layers of concrete. It works by detecting the characteristic ultra-low-frequency electric field given off by a beating heart. In passive mode it scans a small full circle around the user; when the trigger is pulled it scans a larger cone straight ahead.

This kit speeds the picking of locks. Its primary component is a highly sophisticated auto-pick capable of opening most mechanical locks in a few seconds. Electrical keycard or swipe locks are handled using a classified system containing presets for all major keycard variations.

This kit speeds up placing bugs, rewiring security cameras, and related electrical tasks. It contains a high precision multimeter, miniature power supplies, a breadboard, and digital analyzer. A full complement of jumpers, clips, and miscellaneous electrical parts rounds out the kit.

This kit speeds both the placing and disarming of explosives. It contains basic electrical diagnostic equipment along with the essential mechanical tools needed to perform the job. Extra primer, detcord, and a variety of adhesives complete the kit.

Extra magazines for your primary weapon.

Extra magazines for your secondary weapon.