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Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by DarkSynopsis on March 02, 2016, 08:16:02 PM »
Got my Raven Shield working, quick screenshot of the main entrance.

Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by DarkSynopsis on March 02, 2016, 02:29:58 PM »
Had a quick run through and noticed a few flaws with collision.

Right Side entrance noticed the floor texture was off and if you look down the end of the hall you can see the wall collision is taking up some of the space for the door which I got stuck on.

You added the front entrance back in but can't enter though it, also the stairs are gone?

3rd floor has various issues with collision, first room on the left? as you come up the stairs seems to have collisions for a wall + door but it isn't there?

First two rooms on the right can't be entered through those door holes but can else where

Hallway between the previous 2 rooms has a collision sticking into the hallway.

Can't even recall this next room just know its on the 3rd floor and again a random collision.

Hope that helped, sure I wasn't descriptive enough about the location of each room :P can run around the map in-game with "SHOW COLLISION" toggled via the console.

Raven Shield: Athena Sword has a remake of Embassy

Yup, HQ is using 400+ cover points so must be important :P

I'll try look into the email thing when I have a moment, not sure why it stopped sending, hadn't noticed since even when I unflag the email as spam it keeps turning up in spam! also need to fix that.

Maybe the thread is no longer set to notify? just noticed mine no longer says "unnotify" seems to have unset itself, just hit notify again so we shall see.
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by carlosflorez87 on March 02, 2016, 08:53:10 AM »
:O Man, I'm just a knuckle head, I though I sent the level files :(

I would really like to have your opinion on level proportions, possible level mesh flaws, and fun in general :)

I took the textures from the original R6, never heard of anything like a R6 remake :O :O :O :O can you tell me more about it?

Yes! the cover points seem very easy to use, I'll add a lot more today to see how they behave (according that HQ has 400+ cover points right?)

(By the way email notifications have stoped working :( they went to my spam folder despite I marked them as 'not spam'. Didn't receive a notification for your last reply)
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by DarkSynopsis on March 02, 2016, 06:53:23 AM »
Cool to see some textures even if they aren't HD yet :) beats the generic UDK one, textures taken from original R6 or Raven Shield? just recalled RS had a remake, was going to run around it earlier to see but my game wasn't booting! :(

Nice to see Cover Points seem simple to use and seem to be working, should help prevent Tangos crowding in one area like we saw earlier on.
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by carlosflorez87 on March 01, 2016, 01:35:39 AM »
Cover points are working!! this image shows the unique points in my map, I just set them to lean right or left on the doorway:

And on one of the previous post screenshot, the tango is actually leaning right!!

Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by carlosflorez87 on March 01, 2016, 01:29:43 AM »
Hi again man!! :) sorry the long time! Last week was hell, too much work! but now things have calmed down a bit, time to return to TAKEDOWN!! :D :D

I have finally finished the main blocking phase, all walkable areas have been modeled and working fine! also worked on the textures too! :) I took the original R6 texture files and, tweaked them a little bit on PhotoShop, and then imported them into the editor :) I found this a very neat way to keep track of all textures needed; also helps a lot in the material creation. I'll have all materials and textures ready, so in a future when texturing phase II starts, We'll just have to replace the R6 textures for new HD textures! Copy+Paste :D

I've also played a little bit with 'Cover Points', for now, I'm just placing 2 of these points on the map, just to see how they work and behave, after getting the hang of it, I'll use them a little more, for now, they seem very easy to config, so far so good, the Pylon is also generating paths to this points :)

I never thought just one level requierd so much time, work and that amount of effort! but whew! finally it's looking better :) resembling a lot more to the original level don't you think? I'm happy with the results so far.

I have to say again that this wouldn't be possible without you're help, on one side, for all the technical support and tutorials! (Y) and on the second hand, I was very close on giving up this level (or at least for a couple of weeks) but then I felt that all the efforts would be wasted, and after all we have discovered, it would be really a shame. My main goal was to finish it and post some interesting stuff, this forum thing and comunications really keeps me motivated!! :) :) :)

Well, enough talk! here are some screenshots, I really hope you like how the level is so far. As usually, I'm sending the files and hoping for a little feedback! :)

Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by DarkSynopsis on February 24, 2016, 08:30:02 PM »
I haven't seen the original level in so long that I had just assumed that front entrance was part of it, if you want to stick close to the original might be best to leave it closed off :)

As for doors I had a quick look and it seems you just need to find the package "PT_Props_Doors_P" and under the "Prefabs" section drag in a door.

Changing the mesh of a door to something custom seems like a whole other pain, I think it would go along the lines of converting the Prefab back to Normal Actors, changing the mesh and putting it back together, all while trying to keep the Kismet of the door intact, shouldn't be hard just a pain.

Don't think a custom level ever made it out for TAKEDOWN back when it the editor came out, ran into too many problems with Multiplayer errors and such that it didn't seem worth breaking peoples games for simple things.

About 5 months back I did upload a video for the "Tower Defense" map we had made as a test using the TAKEDOWN assets but we never really tried to push it, just felt like it was time to upload the files almost as a proof of concept.

Does feel like we are working on nothing but you never know, might pull some people back if they see something decent working, who knows, and as you said its practice for EPSILON, I think the scale of the levels in TAKEDOWN are the same in EPSILON so at the end of the day you could put your meshes back together in the EPSILON editor and be ready to go.
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by carlosflorez87 on February 24, 2016, 09:55:15 AM »
:) I hope you like it. I've been very busy at my job, this week haven't worked as much as I would want to... :(

I closed the front entrance doorway to make it consistent with the original level. What do you think? Having it closed, kinda makes it a little boring. I was thinking (when we learn how to make doors :D ) add closed doors and having them blowed up with the breaching charges. For that, we would have to set all tangos guarding the door to make it a really difficult entry point, but the player would have the option, right?

I have this whole afternoon to check on the Cover Points! If I get the catch, I'll make a walkthrough on that!

Will try that console command too, it's difficult to have 'catching eye' screenshots always from the player's POV.

I mean, like you said in a previous post, it seems like nowadays  we're the ones interested on TAKEDOWN (very much the same, years back when you were on this too) :( despite having 5,123 analysis on Steam, 1800 positive reviews, I thought some of those people should be interested on level creation or something, but nothing can be found on internet about user creation levels and things. Have ever a custom map for TAKEDOWN seen the light of day on the internet?

I'm trying to move a little forum on TAKEDOWN's community hub on Steam. Getting a little replies but not much neither... as you can see, neither in Serellan Forums TAKEDOWN is an active topic :( :( are we working on nothing? At last, I think this is a great training when Serellan releases EPSILON's Level Editor. We can be ahead of the rest when this happens and maybe then we can release something big and drive community. :D
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by DarkSynopsis on February 24, 2016, 12:53:43 AM »
Not sat down and tried the new version yet, did notice that the front entrance doorway is now gone? reworking on that mesh?

I'm curious to see how Cover Points turn out :) not touched them myself since not built anything big enough that I could test with.

Another useful console command is "ToggleDebugCamera" something along those lines, lets you just fly around the map as a camera, lets you get around a bit faster and no worries about getting shot, doesn't help test out collision and such though.

CERO community?
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by carlosflorez87 on February 23, 2016, 02:54:20 AM »
Nearly forgot the .upk!  ;D ;D ;D

By the way, the 'ghost' and 'god' modes were one of the best tips ever!!  ;D Don't know why I didn't find it on google, is there CERO community for this game? :( 
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