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Topics - carlosflorez87

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Hello everyone! and specially you, DarkSynopsis. Long time no see  ;D

Is been a while since the last time I was here. So I'll go straight to the point.

I've been working on a Rainbow Six Arcade Remake, nothing realistic but not as arcade as Doom; something in the middle. After some work I think the game is in an acceptable alpha state, so I think it's worth that people give it a try and recieve some feedback, right?

I want to start sharing the demo here on Tactical Ape forums since is a site dedicated to Tactical Shooter games. I don't claim my game to be a full tactical shooter, I see it as a 'Tactical Arcade Shooter'. A faster pace than Raven Shield but slower than Lockdown. Simple gameplay, straight to action. (Very much like Takedown: Red Sabre).

I'ts been made in Unity + Rain AI + UFPS Assets. 'Opening doors' and 'loading screen' scripts not made by me but found them on the net. Used original textures, character models and sounds from original Rainbow Six games. Sorry for the crappy animations ;)

Here are some screenshots:

And here's the download link! Hope you enjoy it!

Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Walkthrough
« on: February 15, 2016, 09:34:08 PM »
Hello everyone,

I would like to know the minimum required elements to get a level running inside the game via TATDMM, also if possible a short walkthrough. I'm thinking something by this, just by guessing:

 I would supose that the minimum elements should be a BSP for the floor (do I need to configure collition or something?), a PlayerStart (do I have to apply some tweaks or config?) and a light to actually see the scene.

After the map is saved and the "Build All" button applied, I guess I should follow the instructions on using TATDMM (creating .txt file and placing it in the correct folder, along with the .umap on its correct folder too (for my .txt file I'm copy/pasting the example from the instructions and replacing wherever 'TA_Test' appears for a "MY_MAP".

Apart from this short guide, is some additional configuration needed? Am I missing something? I'm trying to run a very simple map but can't get it done. Appreciate the help, thanks!

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