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Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by carlosflorez87 on February 16, 2016, 08:06:43 PM »
:O :O :O WOW! man that's just great! I'm going to try it RIGHT NOW and let you know how it went :) :D
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by DarkSynopsis on February 16, 2016, 04:47:41 PM »
Took awhile but I believe I've worked out the cooking process again :) textures and meshes working.

1. Once you have built your Map/Saved make sure its in "steamapps\common\Takedown Red Sabre Level Editor\TakedownGame\Content\Maps"
2. Head to "steamapps\common\Takedown Red Sabre Level Editor\Engine\Config" and open up BaseEngine.ini
3. Search for "UseTextureFileCache" and change TRUE to FALSE so it will be "UseTextureFileCache=FALSE"
4. Head to "steamapps\common\Takedown Red Sabre Level Editor\Binaries" and run UnrealFrontend.exe
5. Once in UFE you want to hit the Config Profile button.

6. You want the following settings. TakedownGame, PC, Release_64, ReleaseScript, Release_64 and tick Cook DLC Profile.

7. Under Cooker Options add "-usermode -mapsonly"

8. Set a DLC Name (unsure where this is used) under "Maps to Cook" hit Add and Pick Map.
9. Click "Cook" along the top bar and hit Cook Pacakges.
10. One that is all done the Cooked version of the map should be found in "steamapps\common\Takedown Red Sabre Level Editor\TakedownGame\CookedPC\Maps"
11. Copy .umap file to "steamapps\common\Takedown Red Sabre Early Access\TakedownGame\CookedPC\Maps"
12. Bring up the console in Takedown and type "open mapname" so in my case "open TA_Test"
13. Should now be running around.

Once you have cooked once you shouldn't need to repeat many of these steps, just adding the map into UFE and cooking, profile settings will save as will the .ini file edit and such.

Unsure if the default UE3 Skybox works now, I ended up changing to the one from HQ since I thought that might have been causing a crash at one point, it wasn't.

Updated the TA_Test.umap from the previous post to what is seen in the above screenshot, can use it to test cooking if you have problems since it should be working.

Finally a link to a cooked version if just want to try running it in-game.
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by DarkSynopsis on February 16, 2016, 04:17:56 PM »
Editor Assets should also work once Cooking, still looking into it now, I was running into a problem with the game trying to load a texture cache that wasn't there.

Going through some old emails and some old topics on the Serellan forums I believe I found the fix that I used in the past :P

Cooking now but taking its time since it wants to cook every package the editor has.
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by carlosflorez87 on February 16, 2016, 04:00:47 PM »
Hi DarkSynopsis, no, your steps were not vague! clear enough, just tried to complement them in case somebody finds the same bumps but couldn't figure them out (although is not a very complicated thing to do) Just an excercise to keep everything documented for further research :) .

Great info on Cooking Maps, I would make some research too on YouTube so we stay on the same tune. By the way I'm having some trouble viewing even Editor's assets in the game, like custom assets, they're fine on the editor but not showing in the retail buid; maybe is due to "Cooking" too?.  I'm thinking on a new walkthrough if you will? :) [Walkthrough II - Placing Editor's Assets]

Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by DarkSynopsis on February 16, 2016, 03:14:46 PM »
Sorry for some of the vague steps, I've not used the editor in awhile and was trying to get something up while I had time so just opened up a old map I had working to see what I had done.

Hell I copied the Kismet stuff from one map to other :P

I'm unsure about all the warnings, my test map only said something about not using production lighting but after opening up my old Tower Defense test one to check a texture problem it had similar warnings, I think it might just be some files missing from the editor but won't matter when run in the retail build.

Don't use Play in Editor myself, I thought it always crashed? I boot up the Retail game and use the console to open the map.

I think I know why textures didn't show, its due to not "Cooking" the map so its not a simple copy/paste of the editor .umap, trying to work out how to cook a map again...
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by carlosflorez87 on February 16, 2016, 02:01:42 PM »
Finally! I'm at home with the rest of the day free for modding. Time to create my first TAKEDOWN level and run it correctly with your guide!. Here are my comments:

The first bump I ran into was adding a TDPlayerStart. Since I'm no UDK or UE expert, It took me like 5 minutes getting this task done, but figured it out anyway. Maybe we could add something like this to make point 3 a little more clear: (since the aiming is to achieve a very easy-to-follow tutorial, what do you think? woudn't be too much detail? The aiming is to be detailing in thing specifically of the TD level editor, not UDK)

...To add a TDPlayerStart* , open up the 'Content Browser*' and clic on the second tab 'Actor  Classes' and go to Actor > NavigationPoint > Player Start > TDPlayerStart or in the search field type 'TDPlayerStart' and Clic & Drag to the viewport area where you want the player to start...

Continuing with the lesson, the second bump was actually at point 4. Adding the "Level Loaded" and "Start Match", again regarding the scope of maintining this as newbie friendly I will suggest adding:

...4. Open Kismet* and Add a "Level Loaded (Right-Clic > New Event > Event Loaded) and Add a 'Start Match' item (Right-Clic > New Action > Takedown > Start Match...

Next and last bump was in point 5. after clicking the 'Build All' button, the following screenshot appeared:

Do I have to worry about these warnings? can we create like an insight about what these error means? (Maybe if we want broaden the scope of the project and create a fully detailed documentation regarding TAKEDOWN modding  ;))
The rest of the points where just crystal clear. I think this could be the most detailed guide on the internet to actually run a custom map on TAKEDOWN! :) Nice work!

Ok, after finishing all the steps. The first attempt was to try and run it in the editor and clicked on the 'Play Button' and this message appeared:

What could this message mean? Could be the reason for the sky not showing on the game?

After ignoring this message, clic on Yes and I was fully able to test my first map!!!! Now the final try on the game!!

As I was expecting everything is working perfectly despite the shown errors. I think this kinda concludes our basic walkthrough. We learned that there's no need to place textures or even a sky to get our level running. At least with these procedure we can start blocking out our levels (wich I believe is a huge step in reviving TAKEDOWN modding, or if not reviving at least provide a solution for people who's still interested on exploring this game) to move forward as we keep tackling the future problems we may (and will!!) encounter.

Thanks for your time, help and support DarkSynopsis I will keep digging with the Editor and hopefully post some blocked out ideas I have. I'm loving TACTICALAPE's forum, very kind, human, and certainly engaging!  :D :D
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by carlosflorez87 on February 16, 2016, 09:14:55 AM »
Wow! Thanks for the quick reply DarkSynopsis!! I'm looking forward on trying your guide, I think is clear enough even to a novice modder, so great tutorial. As soon as I'm out of job (aprox. in 3 hours) I'll give it a try and give you my comments!
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by DarkSynopsis on February 15, 2016, 11:54:19 PM »
Ok... List of what I did to get a simple map going.

1. Opened up Takedown Editor and hit New Level and chose a template "Morning Lighting" in this case.
2. Deleted the Base Floor and Cube since they are a Static Mesh and and created a BSP one and threw a texture from Takedown on it.
3. Deleted Default PlayerStart and added TDPlayerStart opening up the properties of this (Double Click Entity) you will want to set Insertion Tag to "InsertionA" for Top Option in Game or "InsertionB"
4. In Kismet Add a "Level Loaded" and connect "Loaded and Visible" to a Start Match.

5. Build All.
6. Save Current Level.
7. Copy .umap file to "steamapps\common\Takedown Red Sabre Early Access\TakedownGame\CookedPC\Maps"
8. Bring up the console in Takedown and type "open mapname" so in my case "open TA_Test"
9. Should now be running around.

Skybox will be missing since Takedown doesn't have the default UE3 ones it seems, unsure why my floor texture isn't working but thought I would try get this posted up for the time being since you can at least run around on BSPs.

Link to the map file, nothing special, either use it to quickly test running around within Takedown or open it up in the Editor, I believe the Kismet functions are the key to letting you run around in-game.
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by carlosflorez87 on February 15, 2016, 10:38:32 PM »
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I'm REALLY GLAD to read this Let's revive TAKEDOWN!
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / Re: Walkthrough
« Last post by DarkSynopsis on February 15, 2016, 10:24:41 PM »
Reinstalling the Editor now, hopefully let you know how to get a basic map running soon :)
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