Takedown Red Sabre > Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping


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Hello everyone,

I would like to know the minimum required elements to get a level running inside the game via TATDMM, also if possible a short walkthrough. I'm thinking something by this, just by guessing:

 I would supose that the minimum elements should be a BSP for the floor (do I need to configure collition or something?), a PlayerStart (do I have to apply some tweaks or config?) and a light to actually see the scene.

After the map is saved and the "Build All" button applied, I guess I should follow the instructions on using TATDMM (creating .txt file and placing it in the correct folder, along with the .umap on its correct folder too (for my .txt file I'm copy/pasting the example from the instructions and replacing wherever 'TA_Test' appears for a "MY_MAP".

Apart from this short guide, is some additional configuration needed? Am I missing something? I'm trying to run a very simple map but can't get it done. Appreciate the help, thanks!

Reinstalling the Editor now, hopefully let you know how to get a basic map running soon :)

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I'm REALLY GLAD to read this Let's revive TAKEDOWN!

Ok... List of what I did to get a simple map going.

1. Opened up Takedown Editor and hit New Level and chose a template "Morning Lighting" in this case.
2. Deleted the Base Floor and Cube since they are a Static Mesh and and created a BSP one and threw a texture from Takedown on it.
3. Deleted Default PlayerStart and added TDPlayerStart opening up the properties of this (Double Click Entity) you will want to set Insertion Tag to "InsertionA" for Top Option in Game or "InsertionB"
4. In Kismet Add a "Level Loaded" and connect "Loaded and Visible" to a Start Match.

5. Build All.
6. Save Current Level.
7. Copy .umap file to "steamapps\common\Takedown Red Sabre Early Access\TakedownGame\CookedPC\Maps"
8. Bring up the console in Takedown and type "open mapname" so in my case "open TA_Test"
9. Should now be running around.

Skybox will be missing since Takedown doesn't have the default UE3 ones it seems, unsure why my floor texture isn't working but thought I would try get this posted up for the time being since you can at least run around on BSPs.


Link to the map file, nothing special, either use it to quickly test running around within Takedown or open it up in the Editor, I believe the Kismet functions are the key to letting you run around in-game.

Wow! Thanks for the quick reply DarkSynopsis!! I'm looking forward on trying your guide, I think is clear enough even to a novice modder, so great tutorial. As soon as I'm out of job (aprox. in 3 hours) I'll give it a try and give you my comments!


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