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Rainbow Six General Discussion / Maps Available For RavenShield
« Last post by CraftyReaper on June 17, 2014, 06:57:04 PM »
Over the past few days we have started the process of adding RavenShield maps to the download section. During the initial pass we will be giving each map a quick play through and then adding them in order of information available. For example a map with a readme and instructions on how to use it will be uploaded before we get into the ones where we have to track down information. Also in this first pass we will add descriptions and screenshots if provided by the author. Hopefully this will let us get the working files up to you quickly and we can add the more troublesome ones later.

It seems that time, map-packing and file swapping has left a fair amount of maps without their readme files and therefore the authors wishes regarding hosting. At this point most of the original hosting site cease to exist, however if we host a file and the author wishes it removed then we will be happy to do so.

If you remember a specific map and cannot find it here it may be that the file still had a readme stating not to host, or that permission is required. If you have maps that we do not and they are not restricted then please let us know where to find them if you wish to see them hosted here.
SWAT 4 General Discussion / Maps Available
« Last post by CraftyReaper on June 17, 2014, 06:55:07 PM »
Over the past few days we have started the process of adding SWAT 4 maps to the download section. During the initial pass we will be giving each map a quick play through and then adding them in order of information available. For example a map with a readme and instructions on how to use it will be uploaded before we get into the ones where we have to track down information. Also in this first pass we will add descriptions and screenshots if provided by the author. Hopefully this will let us get the working files up to you quickly and we can add the more troublesome ones later.

It seems that time, map-packing and file swapping has left a fair amount of maps without their readme files and therefore the authors wishes regarding hosting. At this point most of the original hosting site cease to exist, however if we host a file and the author wishes it removed then we will be happy to do so.

If you remember a specific map and cannot find it here it may be that the file still had a readme stating not to host, or that permission is required. If you have maps that we do not and they are not restricted then please let us know where to find them if you wish to see them hosted here.
Well the next few days actually brought frustration as we could get nothing original to run in anything but a single player environment. We had some luck with a small map I made using the static meshes available from serellan. However we could import our own meshes and textures but they would not be found when we started the game. At this point DarkSynopsis had a conversation or two with Terry The Hammer and even sent him our map files for testing. The result was that the editor still needed fixes and that they were working hard on this.

Since this time we have learned that Serellan will be issuing a Post Morten of this kickstarter game and this means in all likeliness that there will be little or no further development. So at least for now the level building side of things is on hold.
SWAT 3 Modding / Mapping / MP5 Retexture
« Last post by CraftyReaper on June 02, 2014, 02:59:54 AM »
Whilst talking with DarkSynopsis today about the Last Resort mod and it's capabilities. I decided to re-texture a weapon to see how much better I could make it look with just a new texture (a reskin). I took the MP5 A2 with the flashlight (the one they give as an example in the tools folder.) The results can be seen on the news page and you can grab it from the download section. N.B. you need to be running the Last Resort Mod to use it (See ReadMe file).
We have updated the manager and added a feature to tell you what modes are available for the custom maps.
We have released a mission manager for Takedown custom missions, which can be found in our download section. Here you will also see a readme explaining how to use it and what it does. Any comments or suggestions you might have can go here.
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / H.Q. Example Map - Editor Information.
« Last post by CraftyReaper on March 06, 2014, 10:08:27 PM »
The main example map is TD05_HQ and contains all of the level. However there are broken down sections to allow you to see how it was laid out and what goes where, along with mode layouts.


TD05_S_Structure (Helps us see how the main building was structured)

This contains the entire concrete structure of the HQ including Glass and a lightmassimportancevolume

TD04_S_Exterior (Shows how the exterior was laid out)

This map is the exterior area of the HQ level.

Contents= Static Meshes,Prefab Security Cameras,DecalActors,PointLight,LightMassImportanceVolume,InterpActor (Mountains),SpotLights

TD04_S_Atrium (Shows the Atrium layout)

This is a part map of the HQ level featuring the Atrium Section (Reception)

Contents = Static Meshes,Lightmass Importance Volume,Spotlight,PointLight,DecalActor.

TD04_S_Floor1 (Shows how floor 1 was laid out)

This map holds floor 1 of the HQ level.

Contents= Static Meshes,PointLight,LightMassImportanceVolume,SpotLights

TD04_S_Floor2 (Shows how Floor 2 was laid out)

This map holds floor 2 of the HQ level.

Contents = Static Meshes,PointLight,LightMassImportanceVolume,SpotLights

TD_04_S_Garage (The garage section layout)

This is the garage area of the HQ.

Contents= Static Meshes,Spotlights,PointLights,LightMassImportanceVolume,Security Camera Prefab,DecalActor

TD05_S_SideBuilding (Side building layout)

This is the sidebuilding area are of the HQ.

Contents = Static Meshes,Spotlights,PointLights,LightMassImportanceVolume,DecalActor


TD04_S_Doors (Shows the door layout)

This map features prefabricated doors laid out in what seems to be the positioned they would be inside the HQ map.

TD04_S_AmbientAudio (Helps see how Serellan laid out their Ambient Sounds)

AkAMbientSound layout for the HQ along with the TDAudioAmbientVolume layout.

TakedownEntry (An early Mesh or texture sizing example - guess?)

A fairly empty level containing several static meshes with sizing textures & a PlayerStart.

TD_Audio_Persistent (Unsure what this does - Something with Audio)

This map is empty of objects.

TD_04_S_FX (Shows us the tree layout)

This Map has static meshes of trees laid out as per the HQ level.

TD04PC_S_Trees (Shows us more trees laid out

This map show us static meshes of more trees laid out

TD04_S_Glass (Helps us see how the glass was laid out and triggered)

This map contains all the breakable glass for the HQ level.

TD04PC_S_Rigid (Lets us look at some rigid body examples)

This map contains a few static meshes that have rigid body physics applied.

TD04XB_S_NonRigid (Lets us look at some rigid body examples)

This map contains a few static meshes that have rigid body physics applied. (Unsure due to the NON part of the filename.)

TD04PC_S_Art (Shows us the Art Layout)

This map was confirmed as a junk file by MarkN pf Serellan so best to ignore as it can cause crashes in the editor.

TD04XB_S_Art (Shows us the Art Layout)

This map contains the animated wall art from the HQ level.


TDD04_S_attdef (Layout for Attack & Defend) ( this has two more varients)var2,var3.

A look at the attack & defend mode setup.

TDD04_S_bombdisarm (Layout for Bomb Disarm)

A look at the Bomb Disarm mode setup.

TDD04_S_lastman (Layout for LastMan Standing)

A look at the Lastman Standing mode setup.

TDD04_S_mission (Layout for Mission)

A look at the Mission mode setup.

TDD04_S_mission2 (Layout for Mission2 not sure how this differs.)

A look at the Mission mode setup.

TDD04_S_tangohunt (Layout for TangoHunt)

A look at the Tango Hunt mode setup.

TDD04_S_teamdm (Layout for Team DeathMatch)

A look at the Team DeathMatch mode setup.
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / First Thirty Minutes With The Editor
« Last post by CraftyReaper on March 06, 2014, 08:07:41 PM »
On initially running the Takedown editor you are greeting with a load error screen with a long list of missing objects and files. This is to be expected and it is alright to click 'OK' and continue into the editor. (Confirmed by TerryTheHammer from Serellan).

On looking around the content browser I found no map files within the 'Maps' folder, so instead went to the default file-->open option and pointed my browser to 

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Takedown Red Sabre Level Editor\TakedownGame\Content\Maps

and found a list of available levels to look at.

I started by loading up the TD04_HQ.umap and was greeted with another load error screen which I promptly dismissed by hitting OK. Low and behold I was inside the HQ map in all it's editing glory. Now it was time to stroll around and see what I could find out. As I am writing this at the same time (so as not to forget something ) I might at this point discover nothing of use and burn up these first thirty minutes too quickly. Here goes.

The first 30 Minutes. I spent this time initially flying through the scene and looking at the different actor classes that were available such as the emitters and path nodes, cover nodes , player starts etc. I noticed a fair few materials/textures/decals missing and sort of expected this due to the load errors. It was then I decided to hit Play From Here in the editor and after 5 minutes of saving the scene (even though I had not edited anything) it launched in a window. I was fully able to run around the level and could shoot with the LMB and open doors with space, I could not however see my weapon or any HUD. Also I could hear voices like ' I hear gunfire" but never came across anyone officer or suspect. I am guessing on making a map you would need to actual get it running in the main Takedown folder to have access to all this.

A more detailed analysis will take time and will hopefully come later. With the lack of official documentation I do not know I even loaded the intended mission from the right folder. I am confident that over the next few days we will have a lot more information. Should be fun.
Takedown Red Sabre Modding / Mapping / The Editor Is Live
« Last post by CraftyReaper on March 06, 2014, 05:52:39 PM »
Serellan have managed to wrangle Epics approval, and the Level editor for Takedown Red Sabre is now live. Head to steam and look under your Library for the Tools section, you can download it from there. (3.6GB)

It features all the environmental assets along with the Killhouse maps and the H.Q map to use as a guide to building your own levels. Time to get creating.
SWAT 3 Modding / Mapping / SWAT 3 Last Resort
« Last post by CraftyReaper on February 27, 2014, 08:21:01 PM »
Just a quick note to say that the Last Resort website is back up and running. We encourage SWAT fans to hurry over and check it out.
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